
Cuan Mhuire is established as a charitable trust. We welcome the support of our corporate partners, the business community and the public in general. We appreciate their contribution in sustaining and developing our services and in helping us to maintain our distinctive person-centred ethos.


Funding is essential but increasingly difficult for Cuan Mhuire. The majority of our Residents are in receipt of social welfare, and understandably not in a position to meet the full cost of treatment. Cuan Mhuire receives funding from the HSE, Local Authorities (County and City Councils) Dublin Region Homeless Executive and the Department of Justice (Probation Services). Education and Training Boards across Ireland enhance the work of Cuan Mhuire through the provision of adult education and literacy programmes in many of our centres. However, the states’ contribution as a percentage of the overall cost has decreased year on year. Consequently, we rely heavily on our benefactors.